Do you want to buy a monitor or panel PC for your company but have no idea which model is best suited for your industrial machinery or, more generally, for your projects?

Or, you are urgently looking for a monitor or panel PC because you need to get it into production immediately...

... But do all the suppliers you turn to tell you that they can only ship it to you IN ONE MONTH?

It is certainly nothing new in the industrial landscape for one (or both) of these situations to occur.

Let us take a moment to analyse them, point by point.

  1. It is certainly not unusual for a company to need a comparison or advice on which monitor or panel PC to include in its production setting. Information about these devices is scarce and the specifications on the models are unclear, they all look the same and it is not really clear which model is to be used in that area. Not to mention cost. From one supplier you find a monitor at one price, from another supplier you find it at twice that price. And in an attempt to have made the bargain by relying on 'do-it-yourself' or turning to a supplier not fully specialised and focused on the world of touchscreen devices, you found yourself facing an unnecessary cost. And in order to repair the damage caused, by immediately looking for another supplier and another device that is more suitable than the previous one, you find yourself having to shell out more money and thus wasting time.
  2. INFINITE shipping times causing delays in production and the total absence of guidance on which industrial device is best suited... all this is the norm, not the exception.
    The problem is that breakdowns and emergencies in the industrial landscape also exist and you absolutely have to take them into account.
    What do you do when an industrial monitor or panel PC breaks down and you urgently need to replace it?
    In most cases, you go looking for a monitor to replace and almost always the replacement monitor you find here or there does not have the features you need for your application.
    Also consider that in the industry landscape, most suppliers are distributors representing Asian brands. This leads to long waiting periods for supplies.
    The problem, however, is that you need the monitor immediately.
    You therefore need a PARTNER, who is willing to ship monitors and panel PCs to you within a very short time frame!

Precisely because we are aware of the needs of companies in the industrial landscape - and what problems can arise when searching for a monitor or panel PC, we came up...

the expert brand for the entire monitor - panel PC industrial landscape.

Indutouch was established as a division of KM Soltec Srl, a company focused solely on the distribution of industrial IT products.


In the industry InduTouch guarantees what no other monitor or panel PC supplier can guarantee:

  1. an innovative FREE high-level consultancy service. Our INFORMATIVE KIT that you can request at any time will include all the advice you will receive from one of our technical experts, who will analyse your needs and propose the most suitable device for your sector;
  2. a quick shipment, within a few days from when you place your order, compared to the standard 4-5 weeks;
  3. a 3-year warranty on all our devices (unlike all other suppliers, who only give you a 1-year product warranty);
  4. round-the-clock support via chat and whatsapp, which guarantees you continuous support and assistance, even outside working hours, so that you can be sure of receiving all the assistance you need, should any emergency arise;
  5. the possibility to customise your touchscreen devices with logo, colour and connectivity, thus increasing your visibility and raising the value of your corporate brand;
  6. the opportunity to test our devices through our DEMO programme, with which you can test and touch our products before making your choice.

A bit of history

Indutouch was established as a division of KM Soltec, which has been selling industrial IT products since 2017.

Indutouch was founded with the specific aim of helping companies find the most suitable IT tool for their industrial environment, with a particular focus on Monitors, Panel PCs and Rugged Tablets, i.e. everything related to the 'INDU strial TOUCH screen' (in other words: we specialise in all those industrial devices that can be equipped with a touchscreen)!

Our product range offers tailor-made solutions to meet the specific needs of a difficult sector such as industry, where robust, 24-hour-a-day, high-temperature resistant and waterproof IT tools are required.

Matteo Pinato
Marco Venturi
Brand Manager Indutouch

DEMO PROGRAMME: Free trial period

Would you like to get hands-on with our products or are you undecided which is best suited to your sector?

Take advantage of the free trial period!

We ship the product to you, you test it directly in your production environment: if it does not meet your requirements, we take it back at our expense.